manifest.json editing

Features provided by the extension that help editing manifest.json files are:

Documentation of properties

No idea what the property "optionalDependencies" is good for or what its effect is? Just hover over any standard property to get additional information you otherwise needed to look up in the official docs. Links inside the popups take you to the official docs directly if you need to know more.

Documentation hover

Sometimes you might want to hide those documentation hints because you already now them by heart :nerd_face:. In that case you can use the command > apprt-bundles: Toggle manifest documentation to switch documentation hovers on and off.

To get rid of them permanently, set apprtbundles.manifest.documentationTooltips.enabled to false in the settings.


Syntactical validation of manifest.json files will help you find those “simple” errors that would cost you valuable time. Find errors and deprecated keys before your bundle gets loaded!

Documentation hover

Auto-completion & auto-suggest

Press Ctrl+Space to get code-suggest and auto-complete for most of the properties. Creating a new "component" with "references" will only take a few seconds.

Feature Demo

Quick fixes

Fix deprecated properties

OSGi-like manifest property names like Bundle-SymbolicName or Bundle-Version are deprecated in favor of npm-style names as used in package.json files. These deprecated property names get a wavy underline and are reported in the Problems view when this extension is activated.

Feature Demo

You can easily fix deprecated properties using the Quick fix command (Ctrl+.) or clicking the light bulb that appears on the affected line. When there is more than one deprection for the current document, you get the offer to Fix all auto-fixable deprecations in addition.

Service names: provides & providing

Search for references to the service name under the current cursor. Finds all occurences in other manifest.json files.

The search can be triggered by the following commands when your cursor is on a value for "provides" or "providing":

  • > Find all References, Alt+Shift+F12
  • > Go to References, Shift+F12
  • > Peek References

Feature Demo


Auto-complete lists all service names available in the current context, when typing a value for "provides" or "providing". The list of service names is made up by all service names used in manifest.json files of the workspace (currently they are not taken from JAR files or other sources).

Feature Demo


A CodeLens is displayed as either Peek providers (x) or Peek consumers (y) above any line containing a value for "provides" or "providing". The code lens displays the number of known references (for "provides") and the number of known services (for "providing") specifying the same service name. Clicking on a lens opens the Peek References view inside the current file:

Feature Demo

Code lenses are enabled by default but can be disabled permanently in the settings under Extensions > app.rt Bundles

If you just want to enable or disable code lenses for service names temporarily, look for > apprt-bundles: Toggle service name code lens in the command palette.